Hello, and welcome to where I write.

Currently, I’m:

  • Working on revamping data delivery systems, addressing customer problems through software development, and learning about data engineering over at Kharon
  • Trying to figure out what I want to do in my life software-wise. Thinking about the following paths now:
    • Zig (focus on systems level programming)
    • Full stack development (focus on application programming, building things from 0100)
    • Machine Learning (figuring out how this stuff works and why, deep knowledge, not surface level stuff)
  • Hitting new previous gym goals, since I was busy moving to a new apartment and am traveling a bunch for the holidays:
    • 315 DL, most recently hit 265x1
    • 180x5 Squat, most recently hit 185x1
    • 135x5 Bench, most recently hit a not-too-ugly 135x1
  • Being more open to visiting and hanging out with close family and friends. Understanding that these relationships are definitely worth more than the monetary + time cost to me.

Some notes about this blog:

  • At one point, I tried to be really good about updating the “date” property of my notes, but I think moving forward, it’ll just track the creation date of the notes. I’ll only update it if I really want an update to show up in my “Recent Notes” section on this site.